Campus Information
Sundays at 9 & 11 a.m.

510 N 20th Street
Waco, Texas 76707

What about my kids?
Your entire family experience matters to us. There’s lots of fun to be had at Antioch Kids, where every week, our leaders pour into the next generation—raising up world-changers who love God and His people!
Frequently Asked Questions
A typical Sunday service lasts about an hour and a half. Our services consist of a time of worship and biblically sound, relatable teachings, as well as an opportunity to receive ministry and prayer.

From the moment you pull into our campus, we want you to feel free to come as you are. You will be greeted by smiling faces who are genuinely excited for you to be here. Before heading into service, stop in our Lobby to grab a free cup of coffee. The coffee station is located to the right of the Welcome Desk.

If you are a guest, we have parking just for you in the parking lot to the left of the main entrance; just look for the “Guest Parking” signs. There are parking lots on 19th Street, in front of the church office building and at the warehouse next to the office building. Additional parking can be found along Fort Street. There is also a parking lot for parents located behind the Auditorium.

Following each service, you are invited to join us in the CONNECT Room located in the Lobby. CONNECT is about 10 minutes long and is a place for us to learn more about you and your family, to help with any questions you may have about God or the various ministries of the church or to pray with you about any needs or concerns you have. We’ll have a gift for you. If you have children, they can stay with our Kids Ministry while you’re in CONNECT.

Antioch en Español ofrecemos todo lo que se lleva a cabo en el encuentro en inglés en su propio idioma. Nuestro servicio de celebración se reúne el primer y tercer domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 p.m. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! También la reunión a las 11 a.m. se traduce al español. Visite el mostrador de bienvenida para obtener sus auriculares y un boletín en español.

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The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, authoritative, living, eternally reliable Word of God, equally in all parts, and without error in its original manuscript and our primary and authoritative source of revelation from God, superior to conscience and reason, though not contrary to reason. Therefore, the Bible is our final authority for faith and practice and is necessary for our daily lives as it continually points us toward the person of Jesus. [2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:23-25; Hebrews 4:12]